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 Nice looking Royals at royally morphed pythons

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Smile [:)] Big Smile [:D] Cool [8D] Blush [:I]
Tongue [:P] Evil [):] Wink [;)] Clown [:o)]
Black Eye [B)] Eight Ball [8] Frown [:(] Shy [8)]
Shocked [:0] Angry [:(!] Dead [xx(] Sleepy [|)]
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lewy Posted - 10/09/2008 : 10:49:40
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dazzetski Posted - 05/03/2009 : 21:18:22
I'm thinking about a Xanthic next, anyone know where & how much???
Jimsta Posted - 05/03/2009 : 15:45:14
I have to say, I have just recently aquired a lovely little normal male royal from royally morphed and he is to die for! Hes in excellent condition, has good weight, is very calm natured, easy to handle and a great feeder. He fed the day after I took him home, which was a 2.5 hr train journey. I'd highly recommend royally morphed to anyone, great guy with a great selection of snakes! ;)

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