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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Trekky Posted - 22/09/2012 : 23:19:01
Hi everyone

I am also a memberon the cornsnake forum as we got our first snake just over a month ago as our boys wanted a snake as theirfirst pet. And now we are hooked and today brought home our first royal python called Monty (like you haven't heard that name befor... But it was hubby's choice)

I look forwad to chatting
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Robert Posted - 26/10/2012 : 17:05:07
Hello and welcome
Ads Posted - 14/10/2012 : 15:01:42
Hi and welcome
boomslang Posted - 13/10/2012 : 22:37:16
Hello and welcome
SnakeMummers Posted - 13/10/2012 : 11:00:29
Hey there, I'm new on this site too! I've had my royal for over a year and they make lovely pets!!! Gorgeous snakes! I've got the bug now and getting a boa and carpet python after Xmas!
Tawfik47 Posted - 10/10/2012 : 09:44:51
Hi and welcome to the forum and congrats on the new arrival Monty :)
Kelfezond Posted - 23/09/2012 : 09:17:24
Welcome to TRP Trekky :)
Evolution Morphs Posted - 23/09/2012 : 08:21:11
hello :)
Trekky Posted - 23/09/2012 : 08:16:15
Thanks for the welcomes and I promise to get pic's up real soon... Hubby took some fantastic ones on his mobile so can't wait to get them up
Danno91 Posted - 23/09/2012 : 01:37:45
austin_89 Posted - 22/09/2012 : 23:33:18
Hello and welcome
Baobab Posted - 22/09/2012 : 23:25:15
Welcome to the forum Trekky. Its all friendly here (no flaming). We all love the Piccies so upload, upload, upload.

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