T O P I C R E V I E W |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 20/11/2010 : 16:52:00 I'm not officially on the lookout for a 100% het pied female to be Diablo's future mate, preferably an adolescent approaching breeding age but younger is fine, I've got wanted adverts on Preloved and Reptile classifieds.
If anyone knows of any for sell let me know and if anyone knows a website I've missed that deals reptiles let me know :D
Thanks friends! |
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 13/12/2010 : 17:24:01 seems slighlty underweight, if its any help, bullet was born about april/may time, and he know ways about 250 grams |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 13/12/2010 : 10:29:56 She weighs 100grams, and she ate a mouse last night so probably not even that. |
Royalbob |
Posted - 12/12/2010 : 21:18:52
reptiledanny |
Posted - 12/12/2010 : 18:29:07 quote: Originally posted by Kelfezond
Thanks BE, I'll take some pictures when she's finished shedding, recieved her in full shed mode.
always the best way to get em, as then you wake up one day to a new snake and a full shed (hopfully) |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 12/12/2010 : 18:27:01 Thanks BE, I'll take some pictures when she's finished shedding, recieved her in full shed mode. |
Blackecho |
Posted - 12/12/2010 : 18:24:07 Congrats  |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 12/12/2010 : 18:11:08 when you weigh her, depending on what it is, if she is a good weight, it could just be that some snakes put more energy into building muscle, some put it into growing, and some put it into other things, so as long as weight is good, then no need to wrry |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 12/12/2010 : 17:58:30 I'll do pics later, not sure on the weight I'll weigh her another day, she's had a stressful night.
Was more concerned about the size rather than the weight, she doesn't appear to be underweight or overweight she just appears to be too small for a 9 month old snake. |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 12/12/2010 : 17:41:38 how much does she weigh, this will give us a better understanding of how under weight or watever she is pics as well |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 12/12/2010 : 17:38:33 New snake has just arrived :D
Naming her Cleopatra.
Her certificate says 100% het pied and her birth date is March 2010 which makes her 9 months oldish, however... She is tiny, very tiny. She's a tiny bit longer than Diablo but Diablo was only born in September.
Does this sound right? |
Brookestar |
Posted - 09/12/2010 : 15:33:08 ok no worries just to let you know, sorry it took so lonng |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 09/12/2010 : 14:47:52 got it, unfortunatly im not allowed any more snakes for a while |
Brookestar |
Posted - 09/12/2010 : 13:05:55 Danny i PM'd you on reptilian |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 18:49:28 congrats there, and we look forward to pics when u get her lol |
GMac |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 11:53:02 nice one and congrats, |
n/a |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 11:48:40 Well, congrats again (just read about Diablo) and happy snakeday in advance! Glad you found her. |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 08/12/2010 : 00:45:01 Well didn't get any reply to the last two questions so went ahead and thought SCREW IT, I'M BUYING MY SNAKE!
I pick her up sunday ^-^ very happy about it, papers look pretty legit and it only cost me £180 so should be good. |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 07/12/2010 : 10:02:42 Also, the papers are from Brothers dale I believe, anyone heard of them? |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 06/12/2010 : 20:23:13 Kelfezond@hotmail.co.uk
Also, Let's talk papers, how reliable are they? I've found another guy (getting the hang of this, im like a snake finding master now) who's selling one for £180, seems a bit cheap for it so I'm worried (Comes to something when you're more happy paying £200 than £180 lol) but he says he has papers, do I assume everything is okay if papers are provided? I know they can be faked but does that happen alot? |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 06/12/2010 : 17:25:26 if you give me your email adress and il email you the guy that i got my female off |