T O P I C R E V I E W |
sami |
Posted - 09/12/2010 : 19:18:02 All bred here at Mason Exotics...
Female Chocolate x2 .. one is more visual than the other. £400 and £500 respectively.
QQ02 - £500

QQ07 - £400

Male Lesser Platinum, last one left. £275

Male Normals £40 each



QQ03 - Female Normal - £40

Also 2 pairs of Hypo x Hypo Crawl Cay Dwarf Boas - £300 each, £500 pair.
CCF3 - Female

CCF4 - Female

CCM2 - Male

CCM4 - Male

Please email me if you would like further information on these, as I don't always remember to check the posts! |
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
sami |
Posted - 27/12/2010 : 22:58:53 Most normals SOLD - only 1.1 left (not quite ready yet though)
Last Male Lesser SOLD ..
Only Female Chocolates and Female Fires left in royals, and the 2.2 Crawl Cays
Please see http://masonexotics.co.uk/available_snakes.aspx for availability :) |
sami |
Posted - 10/12/2010 : 17:59:04 He's a pretty one. Last one left out of 3, we considered keeping him to replace his father, as he has really funky markings. We especially like the stripe down his back!
QQ05 - Male Normal - SOLD |
nok1888 |
Posted - 09/12/2010 : 23:42:55 If it wasnt 2 weeks till xmas I would have taken the lesser, gorgeous! |