T O P I C R E V I E W |
bengy_s |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 14:15:52 Hey people,
To add to my brain scan worries this week I have some bad news about Chester too.
He has been acting (as many of you will be familiar) like he has spider wobble, though he is a normal morph not a spider. It started on his last feed, royals have bad aim and he kept missing his food though it was right in front of him. He got worse since Tuesday and he wobbles and corkscrews all the time and can't hold his hed up properly and he "stargazes", looking up all the time and he can't correct himself if he is upside down. He has also been striking at everything in his viv including hides. It really is not nice to witness. I phoned a few herp places last night and this morning and took him to a herp vet at 11 today.
The herp vet is quite sure it is something called IBD (inclusion body disease). As I got it from a place which has loads of boas this makes sense. From what I understand boas harbour the disease, which is ALWAYS fatal, and they may not show symptoms for years before they suddenly detteriorate. They pass it on to pythons simply by being in the same environment, handled by the owner, been in a viv not disinfected properly or passed through mites moving from one snake to another. Whereas pythons, particularly Royals, once they have contracted the disease will die within a few weeks, and days after first symptoms show. As I have only had him 3 weeks and I dont own any other boyds (boas or pythons) the vet is sure that the shop is the contamination site. Chester has been left at the vets now where they are testing for it (though can be difficult to pick up on a live snake) and hopefully its not, but the vet said to expect the worst as she is confident it is IBD. If the tests are showing IBD or come back blank it still means IBD. Only if it is some other illness will it mean he has a chance to make it 
I will let you all know the result. I will ick him up later and keep him until the results are back on Monday, then if it is not some other disease, he will have to be put to sleep  |
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
chris100575 |
Posted - 16/11/2009 : 08:55:31 Really sorry to hear this Ben.  |
bengy_s |
Posted - 14/11/2009 : 11:07:35 Thats fine danny its not dropping in. Thats what its here for! No new news i'm afraid. Just a cruel waiting game until monday when the results come back in. If its better for anyone reading this he has seemed to be more relaxed, he actually goes into his hide now so the instinct for his need to hide is still there which i'm happy about. Just got to cross fingers and toes that the likely outcome is going to be wrong and its something else. Thanks for your concern |
reptiledanny |
Posted - 14/11/2009 : 10:36:40 sorry don't mean to drop in on a post but anymore new. keep reading it and want to know if chester ok. so sorry for you. |
bengy_s |
Posted - 14/11/2009 : 10:26:17 Ok Piers, all done! |
Blackecho |
Posted - 14/11/2009 : 08:07:57 Can you add details here: http://www.theroyalpython.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=623 ?
Cheers. |
bengy_s |
Posted - 14/11/2009 : 01:13:02 Thanks Spor.
Yeah Matty, Polly's great. I will use her always now and would highly advise people in the area to register with her surgery. |
spor |
Posted - 14/11/2009 : 00:24:33 sorry to hear your news. fingers crossed on both accounts. |
matty18714 |
Posted - 13/11/2009 : 18:01:39 Polly is a very good vet, I have seen her a few times now. |
bengy_s |
Posted - 13/11/2009 : 17:54:31 No additional news on Chester's health, I'm afriad no improvement.
I phoned the shop (I won't name drop at the moment until everything has been resolved).
To be fair when I spoke to earlier him he seemed concerned about the rest of his "stock" but weather thats concern for pocket or animals I don't know!
Matty: Chester's under the care of Polly at Highcroft in Bristol. Apparently she is excellent and I can honestly say so far that, although its not best of circumstances, she is great. More than helpful, and really thorough. Chester even liked her as he didn't strike at her once!
Hannah: No not Jurassic Reps, thats who have been helping me with prey items and general advice. They are really good. I did look at their stock of reptiles and the 08' Royal they have at the moment seemed nice until one of the staff took him out and it stuck at me........ ever get the feeling royals don't take to me!? |
lee2308 |
Posted - 13/11/2009 : 17:54:22 he went to see polly,matty |
matty18714 |
Posted - 13/11/2009 : 17:03:49 Any news bengy?
And can I ask who the vet is? Its likly to be one I have visited before. |
HannahB |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 20:42:12 oh i thought it was, my apolagies, been a looooooong day |
matty18714 |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 20:37:11 quote: Originally posted by HannahB
can i just ask which shop? think i read somewhere it is jurassic reptiles?
Thats the shop he visited, not the shop he got the snake from. |
HannahB |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 20:35:07 can i just ask which shop? think i read somewhere it is jurassic reptiles? |
bengy_s |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 20:17:54 Thanks guys & gals.
Yes another blow in one week... they say bad luck comes in three so I dread what is next!
I just got the little guy back from vets and he is very lathargic, but its been a long day for him. The vet gave me some Vikon to use on the viv and equipment to kill the mites and any IBD cells on surfaces. So just spent the last hour and half doing that. Hope he feels comfortable for the next few days until results come through.
I tried phoneing shop and the owner is not available until tomorrow. This turned out to be a good thing as the herp vet said to report him to trading standards first, find out exactly what he has to refund (the snake cost and the vet bill or just the snake cost). They will advice me on that score but she also said they will open up an investigation on the store and she hopes also he goes out of business! Its out of order and when I went there on Saturday to buy some prey, he even keeps his hatchlings together and a boa just finished eating one of its' siblings! Bad bad shop owner. All he said was "I didn't know boas were canabalistic" then "I'll have to sell that one for twice as much now". Great bloke! |
Kazerella |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 18:28:54 Bengy this is so sad!
How are you coping?
I really hope it is not IBD, but I still would be complaining to the shop. |
yardy |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 17:07:31 OMG. I really really hope this works out OK. |
HannahB |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 17:04:00 ben i really hope things cheer up for you soon, did the reptile shop say anything when you contacted them? |
kashie |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 16:22:16 Poor thing - and poor you - two lots of bad news in a week. :(
Really sorry for your news and poor snake. |
matty18714 |
Posted - 12/11/2009 : 16:16:23 Sorry to hear that. I really hope it isnt IBD. |