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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Welly Posted - 01/02/2010 : 23:38:02
My viv is showing signs of low hydration. It's between 30 - 40% how can i raise it safely. I have tried shifting the water bowl towards the hot end and no great change. I am using an exo terra dial, i have ordered a new digital gauge to eliminate that.

Sabre is not bothered by it. She is still quite active and roams around as she likes.

I have checked the moss and that's damp. The water bowl is full...

Any suggestions or am i being to worried

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Welly Posted - 06/02/2010 : 22:27:13
It's a built in panel unit. I have tested it outsied, inside and it's working fine.
I have placed it mid way up the back wall of the viv.
Blackecho Posted - 06/02/2010 : 14:55:38
Where is your probe for the hygrometer?
boze Posted - 06/02/2010 : 14:21:01
Its fine at the level its at. I wouldnt worry about it at all :-)

Welly Posted - 06/02/2010 : 09:55:01
hmm, it's still a bit too low for my liking. I can keep spraying it but i'm guessing that's not a good enough soloution. Any hint's tips that could help regulate it a bit more?
Welly Posted - 05/02/2010 : 17:36:12
I got a really nice funky digi one. Was still reading low though. Did dip to 38%.
Added a bigger vent, more moss and a spray and back up to 50 ish % again
Blackecho Posted - 02/02/2010 : 11:57:59
Agreed, I don't measure the humidity in any of my vivs.

I do check when setting a RUB up though, to make sure I have drilled sufficient holes to give enough ventilation.
chris100575 Posted - 02/02/2010 : 08:23:29
As long as she's happy and shedding OK I wouldn't worry about it, normal room humidity is usually fine.
Gingerpony Posted - 02/02/2010 : 08:08:01
totally agree, if you want to measure or worry about humidity at least get a digi hygrometer that will give you the right figure
Blackecho Posted - 02/02/2010 : 06:50:07
I wouldn't change anything while you're measuring it with a dial, they're next to useless.

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