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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ddm10 Posted - 03/02/2010 : 10:33:42
Got some digi scales yesterday so decided to weigh Drazen. He measured in at 1046g and I beleive he's 2 this year. He doesn't look fat but that seems heavy. He did eat the other day as well so that might be a factor.

Oh yeh, and I weighed him around sept with some crappy dial scales and he weighed in at around 600g, does that seem right?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ddm10 Posted - 07/02/2010 : 00:04:49
Did a turd so just weighed again and he's 986g seems a bit more normal.
karl Posted - 05/02/2010 : 04:15:35
I don't think I have ever seen a fat Royal. They tend to be binge eaters, eat as much as they can then stop until they have burnt it all off.
Gingerpony Posted - 04/02/2010 : 21:07:42
Originally posted by Blackecho

Thanks, should have been an artist

don't kid yourself
ddm10 Posted - 04/02/2010 : 11:51:27
I'll have to get him to go through one of those toddler shape toy things to know for sure but he definately isn't shaped like a Toblerone! I don't think he's shaped like a salami sausage either so he must be about normal. Cheers for the diagrams, I especially like the simplicity.
Blackecho Posted - 03/02/2010 : 19:37:08
Thanks, should have been an artist
sexychef Posted - 03/02/2010 : 18:19:38
love the diagrams
Blackecho Posted - 03/02/2010 : 15:22:30
Sounds fine, what shape would a cross-section of his body be?

sexychef Posted - 03/02/2010 : 12:07:44
if he hasnt missed many feeds i guess that wieght is quite possible.

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