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 price diference between sexes

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reptiledanny Posted - 06/02/2010 : 15:33:35
why do breeders do price differences between male and female. do all breeders do it. i want a female pastel but know thats gunna cost me more than 150 cuz it's female. why do they do this.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
reptiledanny Posted - 07/02/2010 : 17:14:44
pm sent on thereptilian.
sexychef Posted - 07/02/2010 : 14:27:26
337smile hit the nail on the head.

i got my female normal from royally morphed for that price but there is a reason why they sell them at that price they are great to deal with. but if you want more info on why the females seem to be so cheap please PM me on as i dont want to harm the really good work that royally morphed do.
reptiledanny Posted - 07/02/2010 : 14:22:46
well 45 from a shop is good. when i went to donny last year the cheapest i found for a female was 35 and male was 25. why. i want a pastel female but know that it will be 150 whereas male would be bowt 120.
SPELL Posted - 07/02/2010 : 10:00:32
i agree with reptile danny, i want a female normal and at my local shop it's £110! buton royally morphed pythons there is a normal girl for £45 ????? !!
337smile Posted - 06/02/2010 : 19:59:29
You only need one male to multiple females, therefore more demand for the females.
reptiledanny Posted - 06/02/2010 : 19:10:27
but you would have to have a male to breed so they should in my opinion be the same price.
ddm10 Posted - 06/02/2010 : 15:59:35
I guess that females are more sought after by breeders, as they have the ability to multiply.

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