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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SPELL Posted - 08/02/2010 : 18:39:21
should i weigh my royal before or after he sheds or does it matter???
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pfleming Posted - 09/02/2010 : 19:06:01
yeah before/after shed makes no difference (allthough the snake may be more stressed if it is in the final stages of shedding) but its after a poo which is the ideal time to weigh. that way you will get a better comparison when you look at your results of each week/month.
SPELL Posted - 09/02/2010 : 18:00:03
right thanx!
Paulusworm Posted - 09/02/2010 : 08:48:19
All that weighing before and after shedding will tell you is the weight of the shed skin.

Keep a record of the weight of his food too then if you can only weigh him a couple of days after feeding you'll know roughly how much to deduct.
Robert Posted - 08/02/2010 : 22:01:46
You should weigh your royal after he poops and get an empty weight or as near as makes little difference then you will have the body weight
GMac Posted - 08/02/2010 : 19:32:40
dont see it making any difference,

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