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 My new Fogger (home made)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Welly Posted - 08/02/2010 : 19:58:04
Thought i'd share my new creation. I have been having trouble keeping the humitidy up in my viv. It wouldn't hold good temp and keep above 30%.

So after searching around and not wanting to spend a fortune for a fully automated system i decided to do it on a budget for now and work up to a fully automated when i change up to a new viv.

I bought a humidifier from Argos for 25 quid and used a old waste hose from a dishwasher i had lying around.

After siliconing the hose to the outlet on the Humidifier i used a twist tie to hold the hose to the vent at the top back of the viv.
Used a timer to control the amount of flow. 15 minutes on 30 off.
ET Voila...

Cable tie is holding the hose on while the silicon sets fully

I will plastic weld a round tube onto the outlet when i can get hold of a bit of tubing to make it easier.

It works well and was much cheaper (30 quid all in)

Paul (& Sabre)
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Welly Posted - 11/02/2010 : 22:50:37
After a few days of playing i have it on for 15 minutes in every hour and a smidge above the lowest setting.
Takes it to 60% ish then gradually drops down to 40% ish over the course of the hour.
I have 2 Hyrgometers in the viv now. One dial and one digi. Surprisingly they both read the same. Albeit the digi responds quicker.
I can overide it at any time to raise it quickly if needs be.

Like i said above, i have ordered a controller for it as im paranoid when im at work that it will go too high or too low.
I don't mind though as a have my eye set on a BRB soon, so will need it for that too!
james200789 Posted - 11/02/2010 : 21:01:51
sorry for asking all these questions i am just interested to do a project like this for my water dragon
james200789 Posted - 11/02/2010 : 21:01:00
what is the humidifier bringing the humidity up to ?
Welly Posted - 11/02/2010 : 19:47:42
Sits around 20% so yeah i guess it is lol.
No damp though which is good. She is picking up and more active at night now its holding it up a bit.
james200789 Posted - 11/02/2010 : 19:41:25
very good diy, how dry is your flat then?? sahara lol
Welly Posted - 10/02/2010 : 18:20:04
Yes it's for a Royal.
I bit the bullet today and ordered a Lucky reptile control unit. Least i know for sure it will keep it right then.
Paulusworm Posted - 10/02/2010 : 14:05:43
Originally posted by Welly

I think the problem lies in the fact my flat doesn't have central heating. I'm using a 3kw heater. Whilst the temps are fine the humidity is not.

I think that you may have hit the nail on the head there. That heater would certainly do that.
james200789 Posted - 10/02/2010 : 11:38:11
Is this for a royal?
ddm10 Posted - 10/02/2010 : 10:59:27
Ceramic heaters in the viv and certain heaters in the home can lower humidity, seems like you know what your doing, just keep monitoring it with the digi.
Welly Posted - 09/02/2010 : 21:05:31
I do have low humidity. I have bought 5 in the past 2 weeks. 3 digitals and 2 gauge.
It's not on constantly. It runs 15 minutes on the lowest of low. I have modded it a little since.
It sit's really nicely between 50-60 now, not the <20 than before.

I do appricate the concern though. I wouldn't do anything to harm my snake. I think the problem lies in the fact my flat doesn't have central heating. I'm using a 3kw heater. Whilst the temps are fine the humidity is not.
ddm10 Posted - 09/02/2010 : 19:47:04
Brilliant bit of ingenuity Dragon's Den style, the problem is the problem doesn't exist. Might still be able to use it for a bit of extra humidity when shedding but too high humidity will cause no end of problems, so be careful. You can pretty much ignore the dial hydrometers, if he's shedding well I wouldn't bother.
Danny Action1 Posted - 09/02/2010 : 19:27:43
Thats a bit extreme if you ask me
pfleming Posted - 09/02/2010 : 19:02:44
Looks like you did a good job but i also doubt its needed, i could be wrong though.
Paulusworm Posted - 09/02/2010 : 08:37:04
Cracking bit of adaptation mate.

Gotta agree with B.E. on this. Have you checked the accuracy of the hygrometer you are using? If it is a dial one they are notoriously inaccurate. I only use them to give an indication of drastic changes in humidity. Might be worth getting a digital one to replace it. Putting the water bowl at the hot end/underneath the heatlamp is normally enough to keep the humidity up in a centrally heated house .
Blackecho Posted - 09/02/2010 : 08:20:00
I would question the validity of the hygrometer.

I don't measure the humidity in my vivs though, normal air humidity in the UK is 50-60%, I just make sure there is plenty of ventillation, my 3' vivs have 4 vents in.
Welly Posted - 09/02/2010 : 00:05:17
It was lower than 20% before i started. Now sit nicely at 50-55%
Blackecho Posted - 08/02/2010 : 23:47:39
Seriously, I can't see an African native snake needing that amount of humidity. It has RI written all over it to me.
sexychef Posted - 08/02/2010 : 22:40:44
£10 ones in maplin at the mo well there is in the one in liverpool
Welly Posted - 08/02/2010 : 20:21:56
Tell me about it. I was willing to have a gamble for 30 quid. I don't wanna sound cheap, i'd buy her anything she needed. But to buy a fogger and control was going to be much more..
lee2308 Posted - 08/02/2010 : 20:17:19
wish i had known that,just paid £60 for a luck reptile one for the cwd

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