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 Temp of Terrarium

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
paulo Posted - 09/02/2010 : 19:13:44
Hi Everyone,

Hopefully someone can help I'm having a little trouble heating my Terrarium at the moment, I can take pictures later when I get home.

Some info that might help,
My Terrarium is an Exo Terra Glass Terrarium 60x45x60cm

To heat my Terrarium I'm using a Exo Terra Heatwave Desert Matt stuck too one half of the glass on the bottom of the tank running on a Habistat Temp Thermostat.

And a Exo Terra Ceramic Heat Emitter 100w in a 21cm komodo lighting unit sitting on the top of the tank. Also covering the top of the tank is 60x20x9 lighting unit with 2 tube lights and 2 35w sun glow halogen lights and flannel covering the quarter with nothing on too stop heat escaping.

I have 4mm reptile carpet on the bottom with about 2cm of aspen sat on top, the digital thermometer and thermostat sit just on top of the aspen.

My highest temp reached so far is 74F when the central heating is on, 71F when not.

Many Thanks for any advice you can offer.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pfleming Posted - 09/02/2010 : 21:42:48
From what i can see i think the two possible reasons for the lack of heat are:

the height of the terranium - heat from the bulbs may be disserpating on its journey to the bottom of the terra, but this shouldnt be a massive problem.

(is the light switched off at night - maybe the light simply cant heat the viv to the temp required by the time it turns off, how many hours per day is it on?

and secondly the amount of substrate (thickness) i would reduce that a bit..

I agree with BE aswell.
Blackecho Posted - 09/02/2010 : 21:09:41
Yes, it could, you could try thinning it out a little.

Also, ignore what it says on the thermostat, turn it up until the thermometer reads the correct temp.
paulo Posted - 09/02/2010 : 20:15:04
The digital thermometer changes when you move it round the tank and is postitioned next to the Thermostat sensor which set too 84F before it switches off and it hasn't switched off yet, so I would assume it is working but I will get another one to be on the safe side.

Could the reptile carpet be stoping the heatmat heat from heating the aspen substrate to the desired temp?
Blackecho Posted - 09/02/2010 : 19:30:52
So you have a heat mat, a ceramic and 2 x bulbs?

Any one of those should be sufficient, let alone all 4 of them!

Is your thermometer working?

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