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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mariamcsorley Posted - 14/02/2010 : 14:39:48
Have had Sheba for one week now (she is 8 months) held her for first time today because of getting her out for feeding and she was fine with me picking her up etc and she struck for the first rat pup nearly straight away and she is eating it now yey just waiting to give her the second one
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jesse1986 Posted - 16/02/2010 : 22:25:51
Originally posted by Blackecho

Originally posted by mariamcsorley

ok every 5 days it is then. at what weight about should I change her to next level of food?

Originally posted by Blackecho

Ignore the mouth/head, its designed to stretch. Prey items for Royals you can go the girth of the snake or 10-15% of the snake's weight.

So a 150g snake could take a 15-22g rat fuzzy/fluff.

Your clever, you said that without opening your mouth ;)
Blackecho Posted - 16/02/2010 : 18:29:52
Originally posted by mariamcsorley

ok every 5 days it is then. at what weight about should I change her to next level of food?

Originally posted by Blackecho

Ignore the mouth/head, its designed to stretch. Prey items for Royals you can go the girth of the snake or 10-15% of the snake's weight.

So a 150g snake could take a 15-22g rat fuzzy/fluff.

mariamcsorley Posted - 16/02/2010 : 18:26:34
ok every 5 days it is then. at what weight about should I change her to next level of food?
Blackecho Posted - 16/02/2010 : 18:24:23
She's a large hatchling weight, probably been kept on a maintenance diet at the shop. A rat pup every 5 days for now is about right.
mariamcsorley Posted - 16/02/2010 : 18:09:11
she is 107g's
should i be feeding her more then?
STICKS Posted - 16/02/2010 : 17:44:19
Hi there well done you seem to be doing all the wright things and lools like it has settled in well all the best.
karl Posted - 16/02/2010 : 12:43:48
8 month old and on rat pups? what weight is it? Should be on rat fluffs at least surely?
Blackecho Posted - 15/02/2010 : 06:52:01
Ignore the mouth/head, its designed to stretch. Prey items for Royals you can go the girth of the snake or 10-15% of the snake's weight.

So a 150g snake could take a 15-22g rat fuzzy/fluff.
mariamcsorley Posted - 14/02/2010 : 22:09:23
thanks for all your answers. i was so pleased with her taking the rat pup straight away really wasnt expecting her to eat first time since we have only had her a week yesterday! but got very dis when she didnt eat the second one!
how do I know if she is ready to go onto the next size rat? this is my first snake so no experience. i know every snake is different but at about what age does she change? i know it has something to do with the size of their mouth but how do i know her mouth is big enough?
Robert Posted - 14/02/2010 : 21:45:11
Congrats on the feed and as above don't worry they all eat in their own good time :)
Blackecho Posted - 14/02/2010 : 15:43:28
As above, I wouldn't worry. In fact I don't multiple feed at all, I find it too fussy. I'd offer a Rat Pup every 5 days until its ready for a Rat Fuzzy/Fluff.
pfleming Posted - 14/02/2010 : 15:39:25
dont worry, i doubt its anything to worry about, just let her settle in now for a week atleast, and try feeding again in 7 days or so.
mariamcsorley Posted - 14/02/2010 : 14:59:15
She eat first rat pup no prob bit slow but she got there offered her the second one and didn't want to know!!! Pet shop said she was on two a week one after the other!?
Blackecho Posted - 14/02/2010 : 14:50:26
Well done, sounds like she's settled in well

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