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 query about temp and humidity

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
heaton177 Posted - 18/02/2010 : 17:27:32
hello guys and girls,
i had hold of my snake a few days ago amd i though i could hear a squeek when it breathed (i dont know if it was off me lol)
handled it a few days latter and i could not hear anythin, should i worry and what do you guys think.

i have also noticed that the humidity in the viv is about 40% i moved it to the door of his hide and it was still 40%, i moved the water bowl closer to he ligt sorce but this has not made ny difference so i am misting it now to keep it at around 50% but this needs to be done quite often any tips and will this effect the snake and secondly, the temp in the cool end of the viv gets to a low of22c but when the central heating come on itt gets to about 25c he is in a 4ft viv but has a square peice of ply as divider in the centre so the viv is 2ft x 1 1/2 ft i am using a digital thermometer to measure the temps and i have my diming stat set to 31 32c in the hot end.

any advice and should i worry?

many thnx chris.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
heaton177 Posted - 19/02/2010 : 20:36:29
i cnt hear the squeek any more so i think hes ok and te reason i think he was a bit fussy with his tea is he has just gon into blue, so he was beeing fussy and my hydrometer is a digital one :)

thnx for your help all much appreciated :)
337smile Posted - 19/02/2010 : 14:25:07
Once a month cleaning for me too.
boze Posted - 19/02/2010 : 13:51:32
Is the hygrometer digital aswell? If its a dial then you wont know what the actual humidity is...

Gingerpony Posted - 19/02/2010 : 11:53:09
if you've got the central heating on in your house it will dry the air so the viv will be at room humidity, just the room humidity is a little lower than normal although 40-50% shouldn't be anything to worry about

and if the squeak was a one-off i wouldn't worry about that either
reptilekeeper1992 Posted - 19/02/2010 : 09:00:32
i spot clean my viv every day, just to give it a check through. i thoroughly clean out the viv once a month as well
heaton177 Posted - 18/02/2010 : 17:56:04
yup hes feeeding fine never missed a feed, never struk fed last night but put him bk in the viv and the rat in with him and with in a few mins he had ate it, i dont realy think he likes rats always strike feed on mice tho, 1st rat ever fferd he never mate just kept refusing it then offer him a mouse and gone in seconds.
i will keep an ear out for it :)

how often do you clean your viv out? i clean mine once a month. but spot clean when he poos should i move the cleanin to twice a week?
337smile Posted - 18/02/2010 : 17:36:12
Room humidity should be fine, 40 - 50 % is ok. Is your snake feeding?

Temps seem spot on, cool end could be a bit higher but mine are same, between 22 and 25 and both snakes are fine.

I would keep an eye/ear on the squeeking sound but unless you hear it again I wouldn't worry.

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