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 what things can i put in the vivarium?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
trapidz Posted - 20/02/2010 : 13:14:10
ive seen loads of vivariums i like, what things can i put in the viv with nemo my royal...

can i get big tree parts from the garden?

what else could i put in there?

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gingerpony Posted - 23/02/2010 : 21:55:34
Originally posted by HannahB

kitchen rolls..if your royal is small enough that is!
Q often hides away inside his - its quite entertaining seeing him squash himself into it!

i'm surprised he'd fit in one at all lol
pfleming Posted - 21/02/2010 : 19:05:50
great pic paul!

my guy did a similar thing in a kitchen roll tube, hehe, still waiting to go to a petshop to get some more natural things for him, and some more artificial plants.
Paulusworm Posted - 21/02/2010 : 17:57:49
Cork bark tubes from your local reptile store:

HannahB Posted - 21/02/2010 : 12:49:27
kitchen rolls..if your royal is small enough that is!
Q often hides away inside his - its quite entertaining seeing him squash himself into it!
Welly Posted - 20/02/2010 : 14:13:34
Most decent garden centres with a decent reptile area will have stuff.
Branches, vines, artificial plants hides barks and allsorts
trapidz Posted - 20/02/2010 : 13:59:23
thank you :)
Blackecho Posted - 20/02/2010 : 13:48:35
Oven (160C) or soaking in bleach for me.
trapidz Posted - 20/02/2010 : 13:46:44
you boil them to treat them ryt??
Gingerpony Posted - 20/02/2010 : 13:45:36
anything that's non-toxic, not likely to injure your snake and that's been treated to remove nasties..........

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