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T O P I C    R E V I E W
waynethegame Posted - 21/02/2010 : 00:02:36

I have a 6 month old female royal python, what weight should she be ideally at this age. I weighed her today and she is 160 grams, she seems the right proportions but im just curious.
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
trapidz Posted - 21/02/2010 : 20:22:29
lol no, far from!
im hopeing to get my albino python, Female in a few months time. so gives me time to save :)
waynethegame Posted - 21/02/2010 : 19:42:49

No we are not a couple.
Blackecho Posted - 21/02/2010 : 19:37:59
Are you a couple?
waynethegame Posted - 21/02/2010 : 19:23:01

Yes we did.
pfleming Posted - 21/02/2010 : 19:15:30
so both you guys bought your snakes from the same guy?
waynethegame Posted - 21/02/2010 : 19:09:26

I have no idea why.
trapidz Posted - 21/02/2010 : 18:55:30
hmm, why did mine come though :S thats wierd he never gave u any, but did to me

waynethegame Posted - 21/02/2010 : 18:44:45

Trapidz i didnt get given any piece of paper by him, i was just told when the last feed was and that shes on small mice.
trapidz Posted - 21/02/2010 : 18:20:55
ok thanks, i think ill go for the rat fluffs, as the mouse i gave him friday looked so easy for him to eat... just opened his mouth and it was gone.

well i will keep u all updated :)
matty18714 Posted - 21/02/2010 : 18:13:00
Rat pups or raf fluffs, what ever looks more size appropriate.
trapidz Posted - 21/02/2010 : 18:11:07
so for a 140G male python, how big should the rat be?

thanks alot :)
matty18714 Posted - 21/02/2010 : 18:08:07
Someone can have as much exerience as they like and still give subpar advice.

You shouldnt be feeding in realtion to sheeding, you should be doing it with realtion to time. Feed it an appropriatly sized rat every 7 days and it will be fine.
trapidz Posted - 21/02/2010 : 17:56:55
WAYNETHEGAME: ryt at the top, behind the first bit of the paper, it says his DOB there :)
trapidz Posted - 21/02/2010 : 17:55:57
ahh my male is 140G, so u telling me a bloke whos got so much experice dnt no what hes on about? :S

ryt im getting so confused.... so every shead do i give him another mice/rat? so before his shed i give him 1 mouse, then after i put him on 2 mice?

hmmm i might try ratz, soon as i get money, spent it all on him lol :P
matty18714 Posted - 21/02/2010 : 17:14:36
Thats not stress, its in feeding mode.
pfleming Posted - 21/02/2010 : 14:45:54
Originally posted by Kazerella

I agree with everyone else- try rats as soon as you can.

Plus most royals don't bite- so I don't know why he said it meant they were healthy. I would be worried if my royal bit me all the time, as it would probably indicate a problem like she wasn't feeling secure or she was extremely hungry because I wasn't feeding her enough

well mine strikes at me when its stressed.

for example i put him into a box for feeding, feed him no problem gobble gobble, then try to pick him up to put him back in the viv but hes poised in the corner of the box, following my hand, theres no way i can get to his body to pick him up without him striking/biting me.

so i have to close the cardboard box for 20minutes and hope when i open it hes moved into a 'pick up-able' position!
Kazerella Posted - 21/02/2010 : 13:12:18
I agree with everyone else- try rats as soon as you can.

Plus most royals don't bite- so I don't know why he said it meant they were healthy. I would be worried if my royal bit me all the time, as it would probably indicate a problem like she wasn't feeling secure or she was extremely hungry because I wasn't feeding her enough
HannahB Posted - 21/02/2010 : 12:47:37
some royals are fussy but its a bit like kids not wanting to eat their peas or carrots.. you have to disguise them scenting a rat with a mouse will help and maybe jacketing the rat in a mouse skin - but thats not usually needed!
matty18714 Posted - 21/02/2010 : 12:43:05
A royal should be eating rats as soon as it can, otherwise it wont get the fuel it needs. A royal should be eating a rodent around 10-15% of its body weight. When your royal is an adult at 2000g and you try to feed it 200g-300g worth of food, you should be feeding it a rat of that weight. If it doesnt eat rats you will have to feed it 12 large mice! Its not going to eat them all.

I would question the breeder that told you they would bite. Royals are well known for being docile and timid, they are popular for those reasons.
waynethegame Posted - 21/02/2010 : 12:14:51
Trapidz what date did he write down on your bit of paper for nemos date of birth.

The breeder i got yuna from told me she will only be on mice, shes on small mice once every 7 days and he told me its just like a corn snake you will know when to move her up to the next size mouse. We noticed she doesnt strike feed either she will just put her nose up to it and do nothing when we left it in there she eat it. We were also told she will bite for the first year of her life as this is normal and you know shes healthy, but she hasnt bit us at all shes very friendly.

Im going to try and give her a rat next week if not i will put her on the next size up mouse.

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