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T O P I C    R E V I E W
VickyH Posted - 22/02/2010 : 14:27:37
Hi, my daughter has wanted a snake for ages now so I had a chat with a friend of mine who has grown up with them and she advised getting a royal. Firstly I want to make sure that a royal would be suited to us and that we would be suited to a royal!
Secondly I'd like to know exactly what we would need to keep a royal happy and healthy, I've had a look at other posts and various care sheets online but am a bit confused as to what is best regarding heat source. A heat mat is the common suggestion but I have read that a light bulb or ceramic heater is also required. If it is required does it go in the same area as the heat mat? Is it better to get male or female or does it make no difference?
I'm sure we'll have more questions so I'll apologise in advance for them all!
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Blackecho Posted - 25/02/2010 : 12:49:56
A good disinfect with some Frontline Spray or would kill any mites/eggs off.
VickyH Posted - 25/02/2010 : 11:55:11
Thanks for all your advice so far, I have been warned off using a second hand wooden viv due to mites and a disease that I can't remember the name of! Any advice on this please??
Also does anyone have their snake insured? I was at the vets with my dog last week and picked up a leaflet on exotic pets insurance - didn't know it existed!
Gingerpony Posted - 24/02/2010 : 11:17:57
Originally posted by chris100575

At least neither of us has suggested a boa yet.

we muuuust resiiiiiissssst!!
pfleming Posted - 24/02/2010 : 11:04:00
haha, yeah. Royal/corn is definetly the way forward for begginers.
chris100575 Posted - 24/02/2010 : 10:51:37
By squinting into the cave with a torch, how else do you see a royal?

At least neither of us has suggested a boa yet.
Gingerpony Posted - 24/02/2010 : 10:31:24
not sure how you work that one out chris!
chris100575 Posted - 24/02/2010 : 08:35:25
Royals are prettier though.
Gingerpony Posted - 23/02/2010 : 22:03:28
it's worth bearing in mind with royals that some don't take well to a lot of handling, not in an aggressive way but they can get stressed which often puts them off eating, which then stresses the owner!

cornsnakes are generally placid and tolerate much more handling than royals and come in a wide variety of colours/patterns (morphs). they're also a pretty hardy species and very easy to keep.

i'm not saying this to be anti-royals but it's all worth having a thing about and maybe doing some research on out sister site
Paulusworm Posted - 23/02/2010 : 18:41:56
Originally posted by VickyH

I'm near Rochester in Kent, I found a lady advertising on preloved who breeds royals and keeps other snakes and lizards. She has said I can take my daughter over to see her royals to handle and feed on to make sure we are ok with it all. She makes sure her hatchlings are feeding before she lets them go too which is a bit reassuring

Always a good thing when you find a responsible breeder. I was gonna invite you both round for a cuppa to meet Sherman and my zoo but Rochester to Pompey and back is a bit of a trek .
VickyH Posted - 23/02/2010 : 17:27:54
I'm near Rochester in Kent, I found a lady advertising on preloved who breeds royals and keeps other snakes and lizards. She has said I can take my daughter over to see her royals to handle and feed on to make sure we are ok with it all. She makes sure her hatchlings are feeding before she lets them go too which is a bit reassuring
Paulusworm Posted - 23/02/2010 : 12:20:48
Where abouts are you based Vicky? One of us may be nearby and willing to let you pop round for a look at our Royal set-up .
chris100575 Posted - 23/02/2010 : 11:39:35
It really depends on what your royal will be living in. Most people use RUBs for the young ones and with one of those a heatmat is the only option. As Hannah said, heatmats are not suitable for larger royals, so as soon as he goes into a viv I'd go for infra-red or ceramic.

Some reptile shops will try and tell you you don't need a thermostat, don't believe them.
HannahB Posted - 22/02/2010 : 16:02:32
heatmats are the best source of heating whilst they are smaller, but when they are bigger - depending on size its usually around 18months they are better off with a heat lamp
VickyH Posted - 22/02/2010 : 14:35:39
ok, just found the 'how to set up a viv' sticky. It has given me a clearer idea of where to place things, but not sure if I should be using a heat mat or not now

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