T O P I C R E V I E W |
rainbowbridge |
Posted - 23/02/2010 : 09:06:02 Hi Change of plans was getting a baby royal but yesterday i got a aprrox 2yr old male with 3ft viv it has a heat mat and a green light.When i got baby set they told me i didnt need a theromstat,which people on here say is a must,which is great to get the advice,but my new royal viv guess what the owner was also told dont need thermostat,so im getting a thermostat today.Also light that didnt have a cage guard so again getting one.I have never used a light so advice on that please what sort of thermostat do i need on that please.They said he is getting ready to shed his skin so as i have just got him going to leave him alone and let him settle.They say he is a strike feeder loves gerbils,mice they have not tried him on rats, what size should i try his first rat on.She says he has taken a jumbo mice. |
17 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
rainbowbridge |
Posted - 24/02/2010 : 21:18:00 do royals go into a hide with moss only when there going to shed there skin,or would they go in one if they wasn't going to shed there skin. |
rainbowbridge |
Posted - 24/02/2010 : 13:46:56 How much moss shall i put in the ice cream tub is half ok for example |
boze |
Posted - 24/02/2010 : 11:28:38 Yup, just keep it damp :-)
D |
rainbowbridge |
Posted - 24/02/2010 : 11:27:10 Thanks for the advice, what about a a hide with moss in it is that ok to. |
pfleming |
Posted - 24/02/2010 : 11:02:09 yeah putting a damb flannel round the edge of the existing hides worked great for me. |
boze |
Posted - 24/02/2010 : 09:57:36 Mind if he is in shed to pop a damp hide in to help with the shedding. I normally replace Sals cool hide with the damp hide. Alternatively you can spray inside the viv every day to raise the humidity. Heres a guide to making a damp hide: http://www.theroyalpython.co.uk/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1399
I use a marg tub with a couple of damp paper towels in the bottom, making sure it stays damp and changing the towels every second day. Shedding can take from a couple days to a few weeks so be patient and dont worry hehe
Hope this helps
PS. Congrats on getting a royal :-) get some pictures up!! |
rainbowbridge |
Posted - 24/02/2010 : 07:32:09 Thanks |
Blackecho |
Posted - 24/02/2010 : 06:48:48 There's a member on here (Dave) who makes guards and many other things, he's very good. Although he doesn't come on much, so its best to e-mail him here: reptilesink@gmail.com and see if he can help.
rainbowbridge |
Posted - 23/02/2010 : 22:36:41 You never know, the reptile shop near where i live is having 10 baby royals soon i was going to have one as you know then i came across this one with set up,but you never know could still get one , I have called my first royal charlie lol this is his 2nd night and i think he must be settling down tonight as he spent sometime out exploring.I will let him settle the put a photo of him on here.Also i need a angled light bulb guard any sugestions on ebay,thanks. |
Blackecho |
Posted - 23/02/2010 : 22:28:20 Save it for when you get your next one (they're addictive), heat mats are good for hatchlings in tubs. |
rainbowbridge |
Posted - 23/02/2010 : 22:09:15 wanna buy my habistat thermostat when it comes then Blackecho lol |
Blackecho |
Posted - 23/02/2010 : 21:44:08 You don't really need both, if you're using the bulb, the heat-mat becomes irrelevant really. I don't like using heat-mats inside vivs anyway really, especially not with a heavier bodied snake like a Royal. |
rainbowbridge |
Posted - 23/02/2010 : 20:51:07 Hi blackecho, I had already ordered a habisat thermostat this morning from the sight you recomended, and in the process of getting a dimmer stat from where i live. As im new to royals i will be asking lots of questions.Why do you say get rid of heat mat and just have a 75 watt IR red bulb.Does everybody on here just have a IF bulb or do some have both.I understand everybody has there different ways i have looked at so much information on royals on the net and spoke to different people, i just want to get it right make my first royal experience a good one. |
chris100575 |
Posted - 23/02/2010 : 11:35:28 What he said. ^  |
Blackecho |
Posted - 23/02/2010 : 10:36:38 I would buy a Dimming Thermostat and a 75W IR Heat Bulb and ditch the heat mat completely.
Like those. |
rainbowbridge |
Posted - 23/02/2010 : 10:07:06 Hi GMac when i went round to have a look he been in his viv with light with no guard for 8 months.took light out and heat mat reading at moment is 95f so need to get thermosat asp i live there is only one reptile shop i can try if not go to ebay like i was told. |
GMac |
Posted - 23/02/2010 : 09:55:57 glad you are taking the stat seriously, the stat most apropriate for a bulb would be the dimmer stat, decent makes are habistat or microclimate or there are others The food size should be about 10 - 15% of the snakes bodyweight, i believe but probably will be corrected.
Some people prefer to use Infra red bulbs as this does not give off too much light but will produce the heat required.
is the snake in the viv with the bulb unguaded just now, if so use the heatmat only and take the buld out to save from any misshaps |