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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mariamcsorley Posted - 24/02/2010 : 16:55:27
Hi all just wanted to share my good news with you all! I got Sheba my first royal nearly 3 weeks ago she is 8 months old! When I got her home and weighed her she was 107g I weighed her today and she is 139g yey!!! I fed her on Sunday and she took both rat pups with no bother at all! She pooed yesterday which is why I weighed her today! Is this a good weight? What did yours weigh at 8 months???
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mariamcsorley Posted - 25/02/2010 : 07:19:24
pfleming Posted - 24/02/2010 : 19:22:26
As richard said - as long as they are eating and are otherwise healthy dont worry.

In the same way not all humans are the exact weight, height and build, neither are snakes.
Lukee Posted - 24/02/2010 : 18:20:13
hmm I just weighed my little baby and I think hes not far out 8 months I dont think and hes 200g not sure whther mines getting on the chubby side or yours is very slim, Im definatly certain mines not over 8-9months!.
richard v Posted - 24/02/2010 : 17:28:37
I got my rodney last may, and he was only 50gm when I brought him, he never ate until july, his weight is now 451gm, I weigh him in a small bowl and zero the scales to get an acurate reading. As long as sheba is eating and putting on weight I would not worry.
pfleming Posted - 24/02/2010 : 17:15:23
I got a pair of scales today, when i tried weighing my snake was reluctant to keep still lol..
hes 6months old, ill let you know when hes been weighed

congratz on sheba :)

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