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T O P I C    R E V I E W
anton Posted - 25/02/2010 : 20:40:39
ive tried searching for a feeding chart like this:
but for royals, if some one could point me in the right direction that would be grand cheers
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Blackecho Posted - 25/02/2010 : 21:59:50
200g on mouse fuzzies??

I hatchling Royal can take small adult mice or rat pups.

I would try small rat weaners if it'll take them or large mice if you can't get them to take a rat.
Lukee Posted - 25/02/2010 : 21:24:17
My 200g baby is on mice fuzzies, what weight do I move mine up and to what? Also every week since ive got him hes fed, only he will never take it off the tongs but after one night its always gone, do you think he likes eating at night or cause he feels a bit insecure, im sure hell soon change and take it straight from the tongs but atleast he is eating right:).
Nazzle Posted - 25/02/2010 : 21:08:18
I found this post by Spor quite useful:
anton Posted - 25/02/2010 : 21:05:41
ahh thanks
Blackecho Posted - 25/02/2010 : 20:53:55
If you start with rats, they range from 5g for a small pup to 400g for a large rat.

Just aim for a rat 10-15% of your snake's body weight. i.e. for every 100g snake, 10-15g of prey.

As for regularity, I go something like:

0-400g: Every 5 days
400-800g: Every 7 days
800-1200g: Every 10 days
1200g+: Every 14 days.

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