T O P I C R E V I E W |
Lettsy1 |
Posted - 29/03/2010 : 20:26:32 so proud!! sheba took her first feed from us today, wouldnt strike feed so left it on the slate in her viv and 5 mins later she took it! and it was a large mouse too! pleased as punch!!!!! |
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Lettsy1 |
Posted - 30/03/2010 : 08:59:22 Thanks! feel like a proud mum all over again! lol! i will be switching her to rats but like you said i will let her have a couple of feeds first then try the switch. |
spor |
Posted - 30/03/2010 : 01:14:32 well done you and her. and sound like she is on the a good size of food. I am sure as you go through the forum you will come across the many mice verses rats threads. and you can make your own decision on that. I would suggest chancing to rats but might be best to let her settle and get a few feds into her first. |
Blackecho |
Posted - 29/03/2010 : 21:49:10 Well done  |