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 pics of drogo after shed

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
delterflier Posted - 12/12/2011 : 21:59:22
thort i would add some pics as he went blue about 6 days ago and last night we spoted him chassing his tail in his hot hide lol

any way he coped very well with only a bit on the tail still to come off ,as for the rest well he flated it out and used it as bedding

any way enough jiber jaber


the mother inlaw aka the snakesitter lol

the mrs sister didnt seem to pleased lol

the nephew likes him

and now tonight after shed

cherrs john
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tawfik47 Posted - 17/12/2011 : 21:00:05
looks bright after the shed ha ? it always nice when the RP is a family friend nice pics
sultanheart Posted - 13/12/2011 : 02:50:22
so clean and fresh ;))
n/a Posted - 12/12/2011 : 22:47:06
He's a lovely lad, and looks very pleased with himself. Make sure that tailtip comes off though, otherwise it can cause problems.

Love the pic of him peeping over your mother in law's arm - he looks so snug cuddled in her towelling robe.

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