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T O P I C    R E V I E W
chrisc Posted - 18/12/2011 : 01:49:09
in bed an i could hear snakes moving around so had a look an saw this, had to share

he looked like he did not know how to get back down so i gave him a hand to rest on
an a nice headshot from this afternoon
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chrisc Posted - 20/12/2011 : 16:53:53
not sure if im allowed. kelf, gmac can i change my entry in the comp??
sultanheart Posted - 20/12/2011 : 10:13:10
i thinnk u can still change your entry photo for the comp.. as long as no voting yet!! just edit your previouse post.. this headshot must be in this comp!!
acd1984 Posted - 19/12/2011 : 16:14:55
lol, thats something mine hasnt hung from yet despite being a climber
chrisc Posted - 18/12/2011 : 13:29:56
thanks. unfortunatly ive already entered the comp, will save it for another one
n/a Posted - 18/12/2011 : 13:19:42
Lol - brilliant pics! Love the expression on his face - 'Look Chris, no hands, look at me, Chris!'

Shahi used to perform gymnastics on his guard when he was a baby - I think he thought he was being a hard man and working out. Once the novelty wore off he stopped.

Great pics and that headshot's a cracker - if you haven't entered the competition you ought to.
Kelfezond Posted - 18/12/2011 : 11:22:41
Lol a few of mine do that, don't worry about them getting back down they have a graceful way of falling, it'll wake you up in the middle of the night and scare you, always does me lol
chrisc Posted - 18/12/2011 : 11:19:40
yea it was very interesting watching how he climbed up there from the floor, also a good way to show why light guards are needed
BlueDragon Posted - 18/12/2011 : 09:01:20
It is amazing how they seem to be able to grip onto the most un-grippy things, isn't it?

Bless him, he looks quite pleased with that little adventure : )

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