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T O P I C    R E V I E W
leechaney Posted - 20/12/2011 : 18:41:57
A hide for a fully grown python, where is the best place to go to get 1 or what is a very good substitute?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
leechaney Posted - 20/12/2011 : 20:19:14
Cheers guys/girls
blackskull Posted - 20/12/2011 : 19:02:19


Heyup Lee you need to be over on general keeping but perhaps mods will move it lol.

Hi Blackskull, Janey W on other reptiles and exotics is interested in Sonoran boas!

hi bats, not got that far yet will take a look
n/a Posted - 20/12/2011 : 18:54:22
Originally posted by blackskull

i use the exo terra extra large for my adult male. cheapest i have found is surrey pet supplies. i use hemp for substrate or aspen

sorry read the last bit as substrate,its been a long day lol

Heyup Lee you need to be over on general keeping but perhaps mods will move it lol.

Hi Blackskull, Janey W on other reptiles and exotics is interested in Sonoran boas!
blackskull Posted - 20/12/2011 : 18:49:42
i use the exo terra extra large for my adult male. cheapest i have found is surrey pet supplies. i use hemp for substrate or aspen

sorry read the last bit as substrate,its been a long day lol
n/a Posted - 20/12/2011 : 18:48:48

This is generally the cheapest - especially the 'trixie' hides - but ebay is probably cheaper still.

Otherwise, any cardboard box, just small enough for them to cram themselves comfortably in, with no sticky tape ...those nice thick cardboard boxes that contain real ales are cool ...also you get to drink the contents!

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