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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zeus Posted - 21/12/2011 : 23:01:01
I understand you have to use photobucket to upload a photo on here, is there any other way to post a photo as I do not use photobucket
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sultanheart Posted - 22/12/2011 : 03:40:51
try this.. you can resize the photo too!!
tehbunneh Posted - 21/12/2011 : 23:29:53
You just have to right click and select 'Copy Image URL', then paste that link into your standard [/img] coding!
GMac Posted - 21/12/2011 : 23:10:14
facebook also flickr, most photo hosting sites would be suitable

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