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T O P I C    R E V I E W
delterflier Posted - 21/12/2011 : 23:02:50
i have been offered this female with full set up for a reasonable price but i wandered what she was as she doesnt look like a normal royal to me

cherrs john
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 22/12/2011 : 11:21:41
I think she's probably what's called a 'dinker' - a normal with unusual pattern or colouration - my Surahi is one.

She's a lovely snake.
sultanheart Posted - 22/12/2011 : 03:47:59
nice healthy normal royal python!!!
delterflier Posted - 21/12/2011 : 23:23:38
thats what i thort as its not the standered pattern like you said

Kelfezond Posted - 21/12/2011 : 23:14:28
Very blurred picture so hard to be 100% but looks normal to me, nice interesting pattern on her flank though

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