T O P I C R E V I E W |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 02/12/2012 : 13:33:24 This list will aim to get a full list of every TRP breeder and what they are putting together this season (2012 - 2013) since most of us seem to start our royals pairing around now and have them hatch next year figured it'd be nice to have a total list of what we can expect.
If you post below I'll add your pairs to this top section so feel free to all comment :)
Kelfezond Fire x Fire (Hatched: 4 fires, 2 normals, 1 super fire) Pinstripe x Axanthic (Laid 7 eggs all fertile) Pewter Het Genetic Stripe x Het Genetic Stripe (Cancelled due to mites)
Laws Mojave x Normal
Jonoandapril Normal x Bumblebee
Konrad Pastel x Fire
CoN Pinstripe x Bumble Bee Spider x Pastel Yellow Belly Albino x Pastel Albino Het Piebald x Piebald Pastel Lesser x Enchi
D3lboy-Morphs Spider x Pewter Cinnamon x Pewter Lesser Pastel x Pastel Mojave x Lesser Pastel
Delterflier Normal x Blonde Pastel
Fezza Mojave x Genetic Stripe Mojave x Pewter Enchi Pastel x Cinnamon
Reptile Danny Het Pied x Het Pied
Macquire Het Albino x Het Albino
Badwool Bumblebee x Lesser
Andy & Danno Albino x Grantite Het Albino
Andy Super Pastel x Blackbee YB x Blackbee
Carlb1981 Normal x Yellow Belly
Danno91 Normal x Pastel Normal x Stinger Bee
Hodgie Normal x Pinstripe & Pastel Mojave x Pinstripe & Pastel Bumblebee x Pinstripe & Pastel
Possible Hatching in 2013
Single Gene (Includes het's) Normal het Axanthic - Kelfezond Normal het Genetic Stripe - Fezza Normal het Albino - Andy & Danno Normal poss-het Piebald - Reptile Danny Normal poss-het Albino - Macquire Normal poss-het Genetic Stripe - Kelfezond Pinstripe (het Axanthic) - Kelfezond Pinstripe - Con Genetic Stripe - Kelfezond Granite (het Albino) - Andy & Danno Mojave -Laws, Hodgie, 3lboy & Fezza Mojave (het Genetic Stripe) Fezza Fire - Kelfezond & Konrad Pastel - Konrad, Kelfezond, Con, Hodgie, Fezza, Danno, D3lboy, Jonoandapril & Badwool Cinnamon - Fezza, Kelfezond & D3lboy Enchi - Fezza, Con & Danno Lesser - D3lboy, Con & Badwool Spider - D3lboy, Danno, Con, Jonoandapril, Hodgie & Badwool Blonde Pastel - Delterflier Piebald - Reptile Danny, Con Albino - Macquire, Con, Andy & Danno Yellow Belly - Carlb1981, Con
Double Genes (Including Supers)
Super Fire - Kelfezond Super Cinnamon - D3lboy Super Pastel - D3lboy Firefly - Konrad Pastave - Fezza & D3lboy Savannah - Fezza Cinnamon Enchi - Fezza Enchi Pastel - Fezza & Con Pewter - Fezza, Kelfezond & D3lboy Cinna Bee - D3lboy Lesser Pastel - D3lboy, Con & Badwool Lesser Bee - Badwool Stinger Bee - Danno Bumble Bee - Badwool, Con & Hodgie Albino Granite - Andy & Danno Lesser Mojave - D3lboy Lemon Blast - Con Enchi Lesser - Con Spinner - Con Pastel Yellowbelly - Con Spider Yellowbelly - Con Pastel Albino - Con
Triple Genes (Including Single + Super)
Frostbite - Fezza Savannah Mojave - Fezza Pewter Bee - D3lboy Silver Bullet - D3lboy Bumblebelly - Con Spinnerblast - Con Lesser Super Pastel - D3lboy Queen Bee - Badwool Lesser Mojave Pastel - D3lboy |
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
carlb1981 |
Posted - 24/08/2013 : 13:41:52 Got a possible lock from my mojave to my normal female so fingers crossed |
delterflier |
Posted - 31/07/2013 : 22:09:01 quote: Originally posted by delterflier
first time breeding for me
normal f to blonde pastel m
bad news guys dax appered to ovulate but then seamed to drop the extra weight she had gained. a sonogram/ultrasound was performed but no eggs or folicals visible
delterflier |
Posted - 04/06/2013 : 20:16:05 just a update after several gessing games as to weather she is gravid it seams she is and is currently in blue (beleved to be prelay shed)
john |
AndyJ80 |
Posted - 24/05/2013 : 23:50:00 I have a new pairing: Super Pastel x Blackbee YB x Blackbee
(both have locked, now only time will tell) |
Evolution Morphs |
Posted - 20/04/2013 : 20:37:32 You beat me last year kel lol Good luck :) |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 20/04/2013 : 20:32:11 I'm expecting my fire x fire clutch in 2 weeks time! :D |
Evolution Morphs |
Posted - 20/04/2013 : 20:26:41 Ooh you will all know when I get some lol
15th may expecting my first Fingers crossed there nice and whitey |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 20/04/2013 : 20:24:38 Have any of these proposed pairs dropped eggs yet? If so update us and let us know!! :D |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 11:37:33 Added Con, sorry con I completely forgot about this remind me next time! :D |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 13/01/2013 : 00:26:40 quote: Originally posted by CoN
If I may Id like to add mine. Pinstripe x Bumble Bee Spider x Pastel YB Albino x Pastel Albino Het Pied x Pied Pastel Lesser x Enchi.
Always more work for me eh? Lol will add it as soon as I'm at a keyboard mate :-D |
CoN |
Posted - 13/01/2013 : 00:15:43 If I may Id like to add mine. Pinstripe x Bumble Bee Spider x Pastel YB Albino x Pastel Albino Het Pied x Pied Pastel Lesser x Enchi. |
Evolution Morphs |
Posted - 06/01/2013 : 16:23:43 If we had a thanks button or like I'd have clicked it ;) |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 06/01/2013 : 15:22:59 quote: Originally posted by D3lboys-Morphs
Can add Mojave x lesser/pastel to my group
Done :) |
Evolution Morphs |
Posted - 06/01/2013 : 15:14:53 Can add Mojave x lesser/pastel to my group |
kev 5 |
Posted - 06/01/2013 : 14:41:30 looks like there could be some nice hatchlings this year, hopefully i will be on the list next year |
Pythonwizard |
Posted - 31/12/2012 : 21:55:41 Nice Post hopefully i can be on the list next year |
jonoandapril |
Posted - 31/12/2012 : 15:50:55 sorry for the late one kelf, normal x bee for me mate. |
hodgie |
Posted - 06/12/2012 : 14:47:53 Thanks |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 06/12/2012 : 10:57:18 Okay well I'd be adding six pairings in that case and I wouldn't be able to successfully predict what the offspring will be so I'll add thme to your name but I won't be including it in the predicted offspring list until you're a bit more sure which males have "done the job" :)
Edit: Added you to the Pastel, Mojave, Spider and Bumblebee listing as you're sure to be producing at least those with your females. |
hodgie |
Posted - 06/12/2012 : 10:33:22 Sorry, both males are having ago with all 3 females. |