T O P I C R E V I E W |
hodgie |
Posted - 22/04/2013 : 21:11:25 I appear to be well into my 1st breeding season, At the beginning of October i had 3 females of the right age and weight (all between 1800-1900g)so the plan was to put all 3 females to my 2 males, a Pastel and a Pinstripe. My Normal female suddenly stopped feeding and hasn`t eaten since so she wasn`t paired, however i went ahead with my 2 other girls and seem to be on my way.

Mojave is very close to ovulation and my Bumblebee ovulated on 5th of this month. Hopefully in with a good chance of at least 1 morph |
10 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Evolution Morphs |
Posted - 03/05/2013 : 20:27:26 Good luck buddy :) |
hodgie |
Posted - 03/05/2013 : 19:34:23 The Bumblebee has just shed, so i was completely wrong with her Ovulation or she hasn`t seen the Markus Jayne breeding guide Homemade incubator has been on for two weeks now and is holding perfect temps. Countdown begins. |
herriotfan |
Posted - 23/04/2013 : 18:59:17 Good luck with her.
hodgie |
Posted - 23/04/2013 : 17:54:50 Thanks for the comments, Hopefully will have something good, will keep you updated. |
Evolution Morphs |
Posted - 22/04/2013 : 21:55:50 If she don't shed I guess you go from the 5th April 16 + 27 days = 18th May expect eggs or there about's |
hodgie |
Posted - 22/04/2013 : 21:36:33 I did put up a thread on another forum about this. yep she should have shed but has not. However on reading the breeding guide on Markus Jayne it does state that "most females go into a pre-ovulation shed". Not to bothered if she does or doesn`t really, what will be will be. Time will tell. |
Lotabob |
Posted - 22/04/2013 : 21:33:45 Wow, I'm clueless about breeding but even I can say something is happeni there, what I'm not sure but yeah, something. Cracking looking half chunky snakes. |
Evolution Morphs |
Posted - 22/04/2013 : 21:27:15 Still no shed that does surprise me when did she ov again ?
Edit 5th so should have been yesterday She must shed soon I guess it's just a guide saying 16 days She can't have read the rules lol
From the pic I'd say that's def an ov |
hodgie |
Posted - 22/04/2013 : 21:16:48 Thankyou. The Bumblebee was rock solid, still no sign of pre lay shed though. They are both just under the 2kg mark |
Evolution Morphs |
Posted - 22/04/2013 : 21:14:11 Niceeeeee.... Big ovulation's there hodgie Good luck :) |