T O P I C R E V I E W |
JodiT |
Posted - 02/05/2013 : 22:04:08 I'm having a lot of trouble keeping up the humidity in my incubator. I've mixed vermiculite to water equal amounts so it clumps but no water comes out, I've got a mat and mat stat at 31C but in the last couple of days thr humidity has dropped from 88% to 64%. I've sprayed water and covered the tub with cling film and the humidity is still low... Any suggestions :( |
8 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 07/05/2013 : 13:45:29 Wouldn't worry too much at this point :) |
JodiT |
Posted - 07/05/2013 : 13:20:32 Okay got a new hydrometer and it's reading the humidity at a solid 92% -phew- :)
Another question.. The top egg has dimpled slightly (the eggs are stuck together) however the bottom four seem to be fine. I've candled them all and they are all fertile.. Do I havr anything to worry about? There's literally only one little 'dimple' at the top of it |
Evolution Morphs |
Posted - 03/05/2013 : 20:27:58 Can't be reading the humidity right mate
I'd get another |
Baobab |
Posted - 03/05/2013 : 10:27:43 Definitely sounds like a new gauge needed. You don't want too much humidity trying to get an under reading one up. |
JodiT |
Posted - 03/05/2013 : 09:52:50 I've now put a damp flannel in there.. There's consendation on the 'viewing windows' and its saying 54% now.. Lol it's been driving me crazy! |
Fezza |
Posted - 03/05/2013 : 00:06:56 Could be worth while taking the current probe out of the tub for a while, letting it dry out a bit. Then take the batteries out and pop them back in (the good ol' fashioned IT reset ) see if that starts to give you proper readings
I can't see how if you've sprayed the tub and covered it, you could still be losing humidity |
JodiT |
Posted - 02/05/2013 : 23:42:51 Nah I haven't.. I'll try getting another one :) |
Fezza |
Posted - 02/05/2013 : 22:41:05 The probe could be on the fritz. Have you got another one you could try? |