Posted - 25/07/2013 : 00:08:59 my son's two royals, one male and onefemale have sharedthe same viv all the time he has had them, they are about 4yrs old now. is there a chance that they will mate now or can we just leave em together for the rest of their lives. if they do mate and she lays eggs what procedures do we have to follow, viv temp, separation from each other etc. we are not necessarily looking to breed just don't want to comedown and find eggs and not know what to do and end up with the little ones suffering, or the adults. please advise
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 25/07/2013 : 21:48:48 Yes there is a chance that they will mate given their ages and it is always best to keep royals apart in separate enclosures unless you want to breed them. Separate them and then you have a choice if you want them to breed and also you will be able to know who is feeding and be able to keep a better log.