T O P I C R E V I E W |
markmifsud |
Posted - 19/06/2014 : 15:05:49 My big girl laid a nice clutch of 6 eggs last week, the problem is they are due to hatch a few days into my two week holiday abroad.
That could mean that will be almost two weeks old by the time I get to see them. The issue for me is that the only person I know who could go around and check on them, is also on holiday at the same time.
Right now the eggs are still being cared for my the mother, but whats best to do, remove and incubate? and will they be OK for two weeks after hatching on their own?
btw its a normal F and pastal M for the mix.
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Kelfezond |
Posted - 20/06/2014 : 10:35:26 My little ones have been out their eggs for over 2 weeks now and most still have not taken their first feed anyway so I'd say they'd be fine by themselves long as they have access to fresh water. |
hodgie |
Posted - 19/06/2014 : 21:18:06 If you have no one who can look after them then leave them with the mother,they manage ok in the wild. All they need is fresh water, try feeding when you get home. |