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 hatchlings and hides.
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United Kingdom
77 Posts

Posted - 22/06/2009 :  20:16:30  Show Profile
as any one tried not putting hides in there 9LTR rubs.this is some thing i did with our first hatchling with no problems.i know im new to royals and at the time it was all new to me.i know royals can this time with our new 09 hatchling i thought i would try the same.and up till now the new one as nailed six rat pups on the trot with only a water bowl in her rub.i got them both from the same breeder and there both CB.i gave £40 for the first one as she was a few weeks older and £35 for the second one.the first one is now just short of 10 months old.might this be worth a try for other owners or have i just been very lucky.


United Kingdom
275 Posts

Posted - 22/06/2009 :  20:51:54  Show Profile  Click to see antw23uk's MSN Messenger address
Personally i just cant understand why you would want to give it such a boring life?
I feel guilty enough keeping them in RUB's but i ensure they have the security of hides, water and foliage for cover which they would naturally get/ seek in the wild (It's an natural instinct regardless of how CB they are)

Not sure if its luck, maybe i guess! Just cant understand why myself, sorry

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United Kingdom
77 Posts

Posted - 22/06/2009 :  21:10:22  Show Profile
should of said the rub is only for a short time.the first one is in a wooden viv with hides, wood,and plants.i keep reps as pets and i like to see them.i also dont like rubs but there needed for hatchlings.and i was only saying what as worked for me.and what i read CF seems to be the ones that has the most problems.
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Royal Python Moderator

United Kingdom
2597 Posts

Posted - 22/06/2009 :  21:23:01  Show Profile  Click to see lee2308's MSN Messenger address
i understand that you want to see your royal but they need hides to feel secure and it's their nature to hide away.In the wild they would live in burrows.If you wanted a snake to see all the time perhaps you should of choose a differant spieces.I think you have been lucky with the feeding but this could still affect the snake later on in life.

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Edited by - lee2308 on 22/06/2009 21:23:49
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Old Royal - I Post too much!

United Kingdom
5741 Posts

Posted - 22/06/2009 :  21:44:18  Show Profile
you could try it, but you may have got lucky first time, and you dont really know what will happen, but is it wise to create a problem before it starts?

just dont want you to end up with a non feeder is all..

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United Kingdom
77 Posts

Posted - 22/06/2009 :  21:52:36  Show Profile
but like i just said no hides is very short term.all my snakes i have got hides in there vivs.but at the end of the day i would sooner have a snake feeding short time with no hides.this is some thing thats worked for my first royal the only time i dont feed her is when can handle her as much as you wont and she will feed any time of the day.she dont get handled after she feeds for 48 hours or when sheeding.i know royals can change but for now what im doing seems to be working for them both.
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