... that £120 for a 1 and a half yr old male royal (no hets or owt) is expensive?
He has been feeding well (have seen complete feeding records) but i dont know his weight.
He was not shy at all, very active, never once went into a ball in the whole time i was playing with him. He tongue flickered alot, bright eyes etc.
Its probably worth adding that this is a pet shop, and so an increase in price should be expected. I just feel that this is quite a lot for a royal? Please correct me if im wrong. I will add a pic of the little guy when i get home, but i would really appreciate some advice.
If he's just a "normal" like Sherman then I would have thought that was a lot. Sherman was £65 from Emsworth Aquaria (Pet Shop) in Portsmouth. Sherman was 1 and a bit years old when I bought him.
p.s. The "he" bit is assumed with Sherman. Still hasn't been probed yet.
I think that is a bit expensive, but if you've looked at others and that's 'the one', then go for it, although if you've not looked at others, i'd maybe wait, that forst python lure can make you do some crazy things :P
bearing in mind your circular route taking in at least 4 rep shops.......
i'd expect to pay that price for a hatchling - Queenie would have been £50 if i hadn't traded in the JRS - but surely around the £100 mark for an 18-24 month old snake?
I took my OH to the pet shop last night, turns out he knows them (doesnt suprise me, anybody with dreds in Northants he knows). Well they got out the royal and Dan really liked him too. We had a chat and decided to wait and see if he is still there after Christmas.
However, Dan fell in love with a beautiful BABY King snake, so i have just found his Christmas pressie!!
But Tree Boas do LOOK good - I took this pic of one (is it s green tree boa?) last weekend in a tropical house in sheffield, had a couple of royals, and some carpet pythons too great place... I went to look at the frogs