hi guys, made it over. thought this more approp. on here though. might be getting a second snake if i manage to get to donny, but was just wondering if a perfecto starter viv. would be suitable for a royal? ty scott
got mine in a home made 2x1.5x15 and seems really happy. even though i dont think she likes the ivy (from dunelms) i put in. backs away from it. thinking about taking it out.
Might have to do that. I have a 3' viv for Rocky, but I think it will be too big for him to go straight into from the 1.5' glass viv.
if you get a hatchling royal it will need to go in a 9litre really useful box (RUB) that you can get from staples for £5ish. royals naturally come from under burrows in africa so thrive best in small enclosed spaces! :D