My 1 female cinnys are little sod 2 bites yesterday lol On the other hand my bumblebee and pewter are Good as gold both females as well Every hatchling is different
Two have now successfully assist fed, both males. Three still haven't fed and are coming up to being 6 weeks old this weekend. I'm going to try drop feeding again and see how that goes with the other three. Starting to get worried and impatient now :(
0.1 Normal Royal - Fifi 1.0 Normal Royal - Milo 1.0 Spider Royal - Rupert 0.1 Corn Snake - Flo
Fingers crossed for you, I know it's probably what you want to hear, but I'm sure they will eat when they are ready, My little guy did not feed until around 14 weeks and has always remained a pain to feed.
Don't stress they will eat when they are ready, I had mine probed today and found they are all male Cinnamon Pastel Hypos which explains they lovely colours blushing and markings and not why two out of four are eating well and going into their second shed ! good news was that they are all worth around £400.00 pounds as a result of their Hypo gene and although I will keep one the rest look like they may have buyers. Anyway Jodi don't stress they have at least 3 or 4 weeks yet before you need to be worried if they are active and alert and their weights aren't falling too much just relax :)