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United Kingdom
129 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 12:53:18
Hi everyone , was just wondering what everyones opinoin was my 2 yr old royal has not been eating for 22 weeks i no its breeding season and they go off there food but was just interested to see if anyone had any ideas or tips to try and get her to feed many thanks Ryzi |
Royal Python Admin
United Kingdom
11327 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 14:11:01
22 weeks is a good long time, I have 4 that haven't eaten since December, but one has just eaten this week, I think you'll find with the days getting longer and temps generally increasin he'll start soon of his own accord. Has he lost much weight? |

Royal Python Moderator
United Kingdom
2663 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 14:47:16
22weeks? that's rather extreme........nearly half a year!
how often are you trying to feed him and with what? was he previously a good feeder? |
Dumerils boas, BCO hybrids, Sinder Hypo boas, cornsnakes, ratsnakes, Day Geckos
United Kingdom
129 Posts |
Posted - 11/03/2010 : 00:36:43
no she hasnt lost much weight at all , yeah usually feeds every week no problem , i try medium rats i have tried alot to be honest chicks, mice , small gerbils , hopefully she will start to feed soon with breding season coming to an end Thanks guys |
Fully Grown Royal
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 16/03/2010 : 21:05:16
One of my girls has just started feeding again after about 16weeks of not eating. i just kept trying everyweek. she had been eating weaners but has started back on fluffs. she took her first feed after i switched from heating food by hair dyer to placing in bag in hot water.
good luck. as said above hopefully now with the change of season she will come round to feeding. i have a mate who had a spider royal fast for 10months last year. it only started to loss weight towards the end of that period. |
 0.4.0 Royal Python 1.0.0 Pastel Royal 0.1.0 Spider Royal 1.1.0 Carolina Corn Snake 1.0.0 Normal Stripe Corn 1.0.0 Yellow Bellied Turtle
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