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United Kingdom
50 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 14:34:14
Ok, so I went today to get some rat pups for my latest royal, his name is Tsezla, he is late 09, i was told last week when i asked, to put him on rats not mice. I went to my usual shop to buy them & was told the rat pups are coming in very big, bigger than a mouse, (at the momnet he is taking small mice, no problem)so i got some rat fluffs, they are just slightly larger than the sm mice he is on. So look forward to seeing if he will take it tonight.
247 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 14:43:38
good luck! |
0.0.1 Royal Python!
Royal Python Moderator
United Kingdom
2663 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 14:48:24
if it's a similar size to the mice that he's usually on that's the best idea  |
Dumerils boas, BCO hybrids, Sinder Hypo boas, cornsnakes, ratsnakes, Day Geckos

United Kingdom
50 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 15:16:23
Thanks for the replies, i'm hoping he wont notice the difference, but i will see tonight.
Royal Python Admin
United Kingdom
11327 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 19:21:54
Some shops size things weirdly, commonly pups are smaller than fluffs:
Pups Fuzzies Fluffs Weaners Adult Rats.
Anyway, as above, something of similar size to the mice is perfect. good luck. |

247 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 21:01:05
I might try rats next, my royal is on small mice.. i got 14 of them left, should be okay for the next 3 months atleast. then i tihnk ill try rats! |
0.0.1 Royal Python!

United Kingdom
50 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 22:27:38
Well, he took the rat fluff no trouble, was looking for more, but i only gave him the one. Also, this afternoon i weighed him, when i bought him he was 69g that was on 16th of last month, today he is 96g, he has been on a small mouse weekly (till tonight) So i think thats a good increase.
247 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 23:18:21
wow you should be pleased he took a rat firt time, very rare thing! |
0.0.1 Royal Python!

United Kingdom
50 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2010 : 23:23:51
Is it, he always seems to be hungry, so i don't think he cared much, it was food so he took it. I am very pleased though, i hate it when they don't eat.
Royal Python Admin
United Kingdom
11327 Posts |
Posted - 11/03/2010 : 06:31:17
Well done 
Yes it can be difficult to switch them over if they get too used to mice as they smell quite different. |


United Kingdom
50 Posts |
Posted - 11/03/2010 : 15:10:46
I have heard this can happen, i think Tsezla didn'y even smell it, was food so he took it, that just seems how he is, he certainly loves his food. I have another royal, about same age that i had on 5th January, i had her for a month & she didn't touch a thing, just couldn't get her to eat at all, so i asked if i could take her back, (i got her from a friend)he took her back for a while, but they have to tickle her nose with the fluff to get her to eat it, still not eating properly.
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