i was readin thru some old topics and there were alot talking about changing their viv's around so i started to think about it myself? u dont recomend it?
I think it is ok to re-arrange a viv once in a while but make small changes gradually so as not to stress the snake too much, a little bit of a change adds a bit of variety and allows the snake to explore a new area but it is important that these changes are made gradually and not wholesale so as not to stress the snake.
i was readin thru some old topics and there were alot talking about changing their viv's around so i started to think about it myself? u dont recomend it?
Some snakes will thrive on it, I'm not 100% sure about Royals. They're all individual though, so you could try it and see.
i move my Sidney bitz n bobs about every time i do a big clean so each month and he is a shy royal but so placid and he loves it he finds it very interesting , BUT Buddygaa the she beast is a moody and likes every thing herway such a joy when she is in a mood she is like a stropy toodler and if i move any thing she is not impressed at all she will sit in the corner very aggressive and hiss at every thing so hers stays the same how ever it has never affect her feeding so , maybe i just have a moody girl ! so as BE says try !