Sub Adult
United Kingdom
969 Posts |
Posted - 27/11/2010 : 23:59:14
Hi Guys I was wondering if anyone new of someone that might be interested in a reptile trade I have three lovely female bearded dragons a red/citrus from where dragons dwell, an orange tiger trans leatherback also from where dragons dwell both 66% hypo and a pastel citrus visual hypo from hades dragons, now don't shout lol I know this isn't a dragon forum but I would really like to get one or maybe two royals however the boss(wife)says I can't untill I make some space by getting rid of some of the reps I've already got, and these ladies were ment to be part of a breeding program that didn't pan out. So back to my point if any of you lovely lovely people would like to trade or know anyone who would please please reply. Not fussy about the morphs except for a spider, (which I did really want untill I found out about the wobble)thanks guys |
1.0.0 beardie "magic" 1.1.0 100% Het Clown "Cerberus" and "Artemis" 0.1.0 Poss Calico "Ariadne" 1.0.0 Lesser " Kronos"