I gave Rosie a rat last night. I defrosted it together with a mouse.As soon as i dropped the rat in she was on it. Will I have to scent the next rat with a mouse?Or will she just take them natuaraly from now on?
Well congRATS! That's great - sometimes they take ages to transfer from mice to rats.
It's hard to predict about her next meal. Once mine had taken their first rat, I didn't worry about scenting etc - it was a case of 'ha, don't ever tell me you can't eat a rat!' But if you've got another snake that can eat the mouse, it'll do no harm to defrost the rat and mouse together.
All the best for future feeds, sounds as if she's on the right track now!
Were doing the same with our pinstripe his had 3 in a row now and every time were gave put a mouse in to deforst with the rat then rub the mouse all over the rat we haven't tried without the mouse in yet but were going to give it at least 5-6 times with the mouse defrosting in with the rat
Congrats it's such a lovely feeling when they take the rats when they have been on mice