I have a very short but cool story that my mate told me the other day, his ex girlfriend had an adult corn snake, and as corn snakes do so well, it escaped. After weeks of failed searching she had given up. Six months had passed by when her cat came walking up the garden, corn snake in mouth, alive and well! And just casually put it down for her! I couldn't believe it when I he told me!
1.0.0 normal royal -Floyd 1.0.0 mojave royal - Smee 1.0.0 common boa - Brady
Lol yea it is. I've always had cats, therefore always had birds and mice and my front door lol. She did get it checked, was all fine :). Good kitty lol
1.0.0 normal royal -Floyd 1.0.0 mojave royal - Smee 1.0.0 common boa - Brady