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United Kingdom
151 Posts |
Posted - 20/10/2008 : 18:47:28
just a quick question.......wot is a RUB? |
Royal Python Moderator
United Kingdom
692 Posts |
United Kingdom
151 Posts |
Posted - 20/10/2008 : 18:56:03
ok thanx for that! |
Royal Python Moderator
United Kingdom
2663 Posts |
Posted - 20/10/2008 : 20:21:44
I have Queenie my Royal in a small RUB and Marilyn my Dumerils in a huge one, you need to drill holes for ventilation  |
Dumerils boas, BCO hybrids, Sinder Hypo boas, cornsnakes, ratsnakes, Day Geckos
Royal Python Admin
United Kingdom
11327 Posts |
Posted - 20/10/2008 : 22:25:07
9L is the perfect size for a hatchling Royal. |

United Kingdom
151 Posts |
Posted - 21/10/2008 : 08:50:29
so is it just a plastic/glass/wooden box? wot can u piut in it? i sound so simple i bet! my dad has always kept snakes he has a 22 foot retic python hes amazin! thought me and my bloke were ready to have a snake of our own but we have loads of questions and dont wana ask dad as he'll say "i told u so!" lol |
United Kingdom
151 Posts |
Posted - 21/10/2008 : 08:51:32
maybe some one cud e-mail a pic of theirs? my addy is on my profile!! thanx |
Royal Python Moderator
United Kingdom
2663 Posts |
Posted - 21/10/2008 : 20:24:54
Queenie's RUB

inside Queenie's RUB

technically it's not a Really Useful Box but it's as good as! and it's placed inside a cardboard box as a quick fix to make him feel more secure. |
Dumerils boas, BCO hybrids, Sinder Hypo boas, cornsnakes, ratsnakes, Day Geckos
United Kingdom
151 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 08:39:33
thanx for that! so is he in that all the time? do u feed him in that or take him out cos of the substrate? |
Royal Python Moderator
United Kingdom
2663 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 13:03:30
that's his home till he out-grows it. because he's such a fussy eater i feed him in the RUB, the orchid bark substrate is big chunks so he's very unlikely to swallow any. not best practice i know  |
Dumerils boas, BCO hybrids, Sinder Hypo boas, cornsnakes, ratsnakes, Day Geckos
United Kingdom
151 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 13:33:21
im not sure wot substare we're usin, its a dark wood and they said at the shop that they wudnt let us have the snake unless we used it! ive tried to contact her to tell us how to feed her but cant get hold of her! sorry im askin so many q's but just wana get it all rite! |
Royal Python Admin
United Kingdom
11327 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 15:04:23
Mine are on Aspen and are fine, although Orchid Bark keeps humidity better if you're struggling to reach 50-60%. |

Fully Grown Royal
1550 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 15:43:37
Sherman is on Aspen. |
Royal Python Admin
United Kingdom
1196 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 18:23:28
Evra is on aspen too. She seems to like it  |

United Kingdom
151 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 20:03:27
mite have to try orchid bark as humidity is only 43%! is aspen the dark chips? |
Fully Grown Royal
1550 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 20:07:58
quote: Originally posted by vicki
mite have to try orchid bark as humidity is only 43%! is aspen the dark chips?
No. It's a similar colour to pine and looks like really fine wood shavings with chips in. |
United Kingdom
151 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 20:17:17
so wot the devil have they given us to put her on then???? they said its fine to feed her on it as the chips are quite big? does that help? any ideas? |
Royal Python Admin
United Kingdom
11327 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 20:21:13
Orchid Bark? |

United Kingdom
151 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 20:25:38
dint u say that wud help with humidity? its only on 43% wot can i do to get it up? so if it is orchid bark wud u agree that its ok to feed her on that? |
Royal Python Moderator
United Kingdom
2847 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 20:38:51
im using beech chips cos the bark was keeping my humidity at nearly 70%.
dont feed her on ANY substrate in case they swallow it. (unless it newspaper)
most people will suggest that you feed out of the viv to prevent your hand being associated with food when putting it in the viv, and the threat of any substrate being injested when feeding (sticking to the stuart/roland).
i feed mine on news paper on my coffee table. most people use old cardboard boxes or spare RUBS even cat litter trays. |
United Kingdom
151 Posts |
Posted - 22/10/2008 : 20:43:10
i really hant got a clue wot to do now! the ppl at the shop said put 3 fuzzys in when i go up to bed then take out wot ever is left in the mornin and feedin on the substrate will be fine?! this will be her 1st feed with me so wana get it rite and she mite not take it if i do it different to how they did it? so u think put her ina RUB in the evein put in 3 fuzzys then go from there?
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